Thursday, August 18, 2011

August 1, 2011 Letter

Dear Paul and everyone else who hasn't got to read Kiley's letters for 3 weeks,

I am sorry. Please forgive me! I will do better to post these the day she sends them. Life gets hectic and I read them and go on, forgetting that the rest of you rely on her blog to read her letters... so I vow to do better. :) Just don't send hate-letters or throw bricks through my window. I would appreciate that :)


Dear Most Amazing, Fabulous, Wonderful, Awe-Inspiring, Best Example, Fantastic, Beautiful Mother,
I am lucky to have you I think...well I know. I love you lots and lots. Your emails mean so much to me. I love reading them and hearing that everyone is good. It brings me so much peace! It is odd, during the week I don't worry, but on Monday when I read your letters I realize how dependent I am on them to make the rest of my week good. They help me to not feel worried. I am glad you just sat down and read a book. You deserve it. Sometimes I miss that. But there is work to be done right now and in some future date I will attempt to be lazy and read a book.

Yesterday of course, was Sunday and I was sooo tired! We attend 2 church's a little rough ok!? But we were sitting in our second sunday school and the teacher had a very monotone slow's kinda funny...and I closed my eyes for just a second and suddenly I was in the half dream world where I can hear what they are saying, but it doesn't fully register in my mind. Well, Brother Pegram (the teacher) asked a question about service and somebody started to answer it, and suddenly in my head I thought of this great answer I should share with the class it was, and I quote, "Sometimes I wish I was a Demi-God." Hahahahaha, luckily I stopped myself right before I said it and I didn't actually say it out-loud. That does not make any sense whatsoever! I told Sister Brewer and Sister Watts about it and they laughed pretty hard. Now we will be sitting somewhere and randomly some one will say "Sometimes I wish I was a Demi-God," and we all start to laugh...oh man, I am so glad I didn't say that out loud. That could have been embarassing! Everyone would think the new sister was crazy. Well I am...but that doesnt matter.

Aunt Gayle needs to learn you can never get away from McKay; he is too amazing! I want to see his pictures so bad! I am sure they are absolutely beautiful. He is amazing!

Well not alot is going on here. We are starting to find people to teach, but it's slow. We need to find more! One of our investigators texted us and it said, "Hello Watts, I was in jail and just got out today. I am now in Dallas, but I miss you sisters and I love you." Yeah thats pretty not awesome! I don't know what to do about him. He talks a lot of talk, but no action. We may need to drop him.

We taught a lady named Laurie this last week. She is a part-member family and her husband is slightly less-active. She is solid; we invited her to be baptized and she said yes! We are going to try and set a date with her this week when we see her on Tuesday. When we asked when we could stop by again she said Tuesday, so fast! It was awesome. She is really solid. She was on 1 Nephi 17 when we met with her on Thursday. Her Husband said he was going to start reading it with her. That is so cool. It would be awesome to see him come back as well. Plus, his daughter is old enough to get baptized. How cool would it be to have his wife and daughter get baptized on the same day! AWESOME!

Ummm...any other cool news.... it's weird being in a singles ward still. We go to institute on Thursdays...I kinda want to put my name on the roll and try to get credit for that...hey, less school when I go home! Is that legal? :)

Umm I am going to ZMCs this week. its a leadership training thing and since we as sisters can't really hold leadership positions...dang that lack of priesthood authority...president invites 2 sisters to attend every time. So I am excited about that. It should be fun. I will let you know how it goes next week.

I can't really think of anything else. It is just work as usual. No rest for the wicked here. It's still pretty dang hot. I think I might melt. And Sister Watts makes us turn off our AC everytime we leave the apartment during the day so when we come home at night our house feels like a dang oven! I sweat for half of the night! Last night I was so hot I woke up and sweat was honestly rolling down my's disgusting! I hate when it rolls down my back...SICK!

I am glad that everyone is doing well! I have an amazing family! I love you all so so much! I can't even tell you how much everyone means to me! I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have you as my family. I love you!

Loves hugs and kisses,
love you lots and lots and lots and lots,
love. Sister Bailey
P.S. I did get the package you sent me! That shirt was so cute. I wore it yesterday because it was Sunday so it wouldn't get nasty and sweaty! I loved the pictures; they were so cute! I was kinda sad there wasn't one of the whole family! I want to see everyone! How tall is Tyson now? I love you! You're amazing mom; thank you so so much! Also, I love the little wallet--I use it. It's really nice.

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