Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 4, 2012 Letter

Dear Wonderful, caring, inspired, beautiful, funny, happy, splendid Mom
Hi Mom! Can I tell you that I like the way we start our emails. It always makes me smile. How did this tradition get started? I dont want it to end anytime soon. I think it will make me sad when it does. It makes me a little sick how fast the time is going. I cant think about it or I almost hyperventilate. :)

Ok so yes I have the BEST idea to keep your small children busy this summer! They are going to love it. A couple weeks ago President Sagers asked all of the missionaries to read the Book of Mormon by the next zone conference. Well I wont be here for the next zone conference...yeah its weird...So Sister Reynolds and I decided to read the whole Book of Mormon by July 31. Then that same day we were teaching the Beehives in our ward and we ended up challenging them to read the whole Book of Mormon by July 31 as well. They all agreed! So now we have Sister Reynolds, me, the Beehives, their leaders, and some of the YSA all reading the Book of Mormon. Well inviting all these people made me think of my family. I thought it would be so neat to have the family all reading the Book of Mormon together. How cool would it be for all of us to finish on the exact same day! I know it might be a lot of reading now. I was going to tell you last week but I forgot...but Suz and Tyson have alot of extra time and I KNOW they could do it! It would be so much fun to have them reading the Book of Mormon with me. It sounds sorta  trunky because yes it does count down my mission, but I dont care. I feel like it would be really spiritual and so neat. So yall should talk about it and see what you think! 
Holy cow lots of news about people. I am so sad about Sister Gardner. I will make sure to keep her in my prayers! I wish I would have known by yesterday I would have included her and Sister Ferguson in my fast. How sad! I will pray for them. I hate that. It makes me sad. 
I cannot believe that about Sister Ferguson! She is so tough! It would take alot more than that to take down a woman like Sister Ferguson. I love that woman. I think I will write her a note today. She is awesome. How is Fergy doing? How are the wedding plans? I need to write her today as well. Im glad that she is ok. That could have been so heart breaking. I am so grateful for miracles like that. I love how much Heavenly Father looks out for us. 

I bet dad is amazing. He is a trunky little thing. That man. What are we going to do with him? Dad and his new toys he is so funny! Is that my "good job grape for serving a mission" present from him? haha I am totally just kidding. Sorry I shouldnt joke like that. He is fancy. I like it when dad loves things too. It makes me happy. I like how much he loves his family. I always tell stories about you and Dad and they always make me so happy. I feel so blessed to have such amazing parents who love us so much. Its amazing how blessed we are to have a worthy priesthood holder at the head of our family. I feel so blessed for it. I never realized how much that really meant until I came on my mission and saw what it is like to not have that. I never want that. It is sad.

Where is Eric traveling too? Im glad to hear the familia is doing so good. I love that. How is Jarelley feeling? Is she huge yet? Poor girl she is getting close isnt she? When is her baby due? Oh man the other day I saw someone with a new little baby and it made me so excited. I am a bad person!

Well we are still just working hard. President Sagers has asked us to have a no car day once a week. So we get to have some fun adventures with that. We figured out that we walked about 13 miles our first no car day. It was so funny. We laughed so hard all day. Especially on our walk home. It was the best worst day of our lives. This past week we were able to find a ride home so we didnt have to walk as far. That was a blessing. Its fun though. We are trying to find like crazy. Its a little difficult. Everyone is "happy" with where they are at. Stupid money. But we have been praying and fasting for miracles so I know we are going to see some!

Oh my address is:
5210 Long Prarie Rd #1626
FLower Mound TX 75028

Well I love you so much mom! Thanks for everything that you do. You are the best mother in the whole wide world! I love you I love you I LOVE YOU!!!!
Loves loves hugs kisses,
love. sister bailey

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