Dear Most wonderful, fantabulous, beautiful,funny, fun, smart, talented, courageous, hard working Mother,
Hi Mom! It's funny just last week I was thinking about that line in my blessing. I was thinking about what a dork I am. I wasted so much time feeling down on myself. I think the Lord knew it was going to happen because he tried to tell me to be happy. When I read my blessing it screams out to me to just be happy with myself. I am so grateful and you know what I love being Kiley and even more I love being a Bailey. I feel so lucky to be Sister Bailey. That name makes me so proud. I love being in my family. I think...well more like know..I have the best family in the whole wide world!
I am so glad to hear that everyone is doing good. I cant believe Wessey is walking. He is so big! They all look so much bigger. I can't believe it. I feel like they should have stayed the same. I guess a year will do that. I honestly can't believe I have been out a year now. I don't know what happened to that year. It went so fast. I never imagined it would. How strange. And Tosha has been gone a year too! Man we both survived! Yay. Well we have survived to this point. :) McKay is so talented; I love bragging about him to everyone. He is amazing! I can't believe Laurens elbow is still bothering her. That is so crazy! Why? Wasn't that surgery supposed to fix it? Man that is weird. I am glad she is tough. She is so cute! Tell her to keep liking every boy and not to have a boyfriend..boyfriends are lame!! Tyson is so cute. Holy cow 10,000 bullets!~ That is insane. Where does he shoot them all? I love that McKay has Samoan cousins. He is too funny! I love my siblings. They are wonderful. I am glad that Dave is loving Weber as well. That is good. I bet tis fun having them right there. How is JaRelley doing? Is she a good prego girl? Or is she sick? I am glad to hear that Larah's baby is doing ok. I honestly had no idea she was even pregnant. So it was quite a surprise to hear she had a baby...what the...Where did it come from? But that is so fun!
So for life here...we set a baptism date with Mayo!!! Yay!! And have I told you about Carefree? He is quite...carefree. It makes teaching him fun. Today he said some of the funniest things. He always has some interesting comments when we teach him.
We taught Mayo the Word of Wisdom today.....he threw us some curve balls. He had issues with all of them but....illegal drugs! WHEW. Those are hard. But he is going to stop. You know me and my deal-making what do I do to help him? Of course I made a deal! But this time I did not give up sugar...good heavens that was a week from Hades! I will not do that again. But we did make a deal. And it is good for me because I needed some more incentive in a certain category that will not be discussed right now. So we have a good deal going.
I was making them all laugh today during our lesson because apparently I make funny expressions. Oh, did I tell you how I got Mayo to read his scriptures? It was epic. So we met with him and I asked him if he had read and he said...NO! I was devastated! (Have Dave and JaRelle show you the quote in PMG from Elder Holland that talks about being devastated.) Well, I rocked the devastation. He felt AWFUL and I felt GREAT! Safe to say he repented (great thing was we talked about repentance in that lesson and I was able to tie it in.) Yep we hit him hard with the guilt...well actually the spirit hit him hard with the guilt--we just facilitated it. :) Guess where he is in his Book of Mormon reading now? Yep Jarom....hahahahaha! Oh guilt, it works so well.
Oh quick do we have any camera chargers laying around back home that would work for my Nikon? Because mine has disappeared...I honestly have no idea where it is. I have searched everywhere. I have looked in all my suitcases 4 times. It is sad.
So the other day we get on the bus and this guy starts talking to us. We had a great discussion with him. We gave him a Book of Mormon. He was great; he reminded me so much of Derek. Everything he said...I don't know, he just reminded me of D. The really neat thing was, we are going around the route and Sister Bickley and I totally miss our stop (who cares we are getting an awesome contact!!) and all of a sudden he goes what bus is this? We told him route 5 and he told us he got on the wrong bus. He thought the 5 was a 2. Pretty crazy huh? I think we were supposed to talk to him that day. If he had never gotten on that bus we would have never met him. I thought that was interesting.
Well those are my crazy stories! I love you so much mom. I love your emails. They make my day. And yes 50 will be plenty. Thank you so much for that mom. You are amazing. Thanks for all you do. I am sorry. I wish I had been a better saver before my mission. Well I love you!! I miss you mom.
loves loves hugs kisses! LOVE YOU!!!
love. sister bailey
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