Monday, June 13, 2011

June 13, 2011 Letter

Dear Most Wonderful, Beautiful, and Most Amazing Mother in the Whole Wide World!!!

Hi. Yes, I think Waco has become my home away from home. Luckily, I love the people here and they are all so good to me. They really take care of me. It's nice to have good people. It makes it a little easier to be away from home. I am excited to be here another transfer as well. We are going to see so many amazing things happen. This last week was a little sad. I had to say goodbye to my bestie, Sister Quiroz. I was really sad to have her go. I realized how much fun it is to have a friend. It was so fun. She is the funniest person ever. When we would talk about brothers and sisters she would make a pretend sad face (she’s an only kid). I always told her she could be my sister. And she became my sister. So it was kinda sad for me to see her go. She taught me so many wonderful things too. She had a solid testimony. She helped me see things from an investigator's view point. Of how we as missionaries can help them in ways that I never thought of. But Sister Crossan is great. She does a little better with just the two of us. She kinda struggled when we were in a trio. She was a little bit crazy..............but she seems to be better now.

I hope that Grandpa Ralph is ok. Keep me posted on how he is doing and I will make sure that he is in my prayers.

Well this week we went and helped at a funeral. A member of our ward is a principal at a high school here and one of her students died. It was really awful. He died the day before he graduated. But we were able to help and Sister Reiher said that it did a lot of good. We were glad we were able to help.

We met and taught a lot of great people this week. We are really excited about the people that we are teaching. I am so excited. I think I am finally going to see my first baptism this transfer. It is going to be an exciting day! Did you know that yesterday was my 5 month mark? I was really impressed I made it! I feel like you just barley dropped me off. It has all gone crazy fast. I am also blown away that it is June! That is crazy! It has been hot here since March, so I feel like it should still be March or something! Wow is something unreal! We are in the high 90s everyday. We have already had 5 days in the 100s this June, and no rain. It has been crazy. But on the bright side, I am getting tan and my hair is slowly changing from dark brown to not so dark brown....

Troy and Sarah are doing so good. With all the crazy things that they have been through because of our crazy members and their crazy friends, I am amazed that they are still interested. But they really want to know the truth! It makes me so happy! They are so great. They are really trying. It is amazing! James is so excited to get baptized. When we asked him to live the Word of Wisdom, he said Tobacco is his problem, but that you have to give something up to get something better. Pretty awesome!

I am sad about Keith. He wants signs. He said if he gets this job, that he will try twice as hard to get his answer and that he will come to church every week because it means that God wants him to. He just doesn’t understand faith. It made me think of Korihor and Alma. I mean he isn't as bad as Korihor, but kinda the same concept. It is really sad. I was reading Jacob 5 today and it talks about how the Lord of the Vineyard wept and said, "What could I have done more?" Sometimes I feel that way about my investigators. I want them to succeed so much and to find this happiness but they just wont do it. And I feel like what more can I do? What could I do more for them? It is hard to see people be that way. But there is nothing I can do excpet teach them and help them feel the spirit and understand. I can't force them to believe and to make the right choices. I wish I could! But I can't, dangit...

Well Mom, I am glad that everything is going well back home. It makes me happy that everyone is so good. It helps me. I love you more than you can know! I think you are the most amazing mom and person in this world. I am so lucky to have you as my mom. Thanks so much for all that you do for me.

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Loves, hugs and kisses,

Sister Bailey

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