Monday, April 11, 2011

April 11, 2011 Letter

Kiley is so clever! You will love her poem. She told me I couldn't post it... but mama Linda said I could ;) Who wouldn't want to read this clever thing! It's cute. She says it is awful, but I love it. I wish I could think stuff up like that!

April 11, 2011

Dearest Most Amazing Wonderful Mother,

I love your emails; they make me so happy! My talk went good I think...:) I spoke on Becoming What God Wants You To Be. I used the story from Elder Christofferson's talk about the little currant bush. I so love that story. I planned and planned for this talk, I wrote and rewrote! By Sunday I still had no idea what I really wanted to say, so I just wrote an outline and called it good. I was so nervous all Sunday! I thought I was going to puke! Our first speaker was Catolyn Dine. She is our ward missionary and so cute! I love her, but she is such a talker. It was her first talk ever! And she spoke for 20 minutes! They actually had to kick her!!! Haha it was so funny! But it was a great talk. I got up and the spirit helped me alot. Except I said, "Old maid," and the bishopric won't leave me alone about it! Oh well, what can you do? I am strange; sometimes I say strange things. Sister Coombs was there and I was so happy! She has a hard time coming to church because everyone asks where her husband is. But she came for us! She is so sweet and so giving. She is an amazing person.

We found some new investigators!!!! YAY!! It is so nice to actually have some appointments this week and not just a thousand stop-bys! I hate stop-bys. Just kidding, I love everything about missionary work.....:) I am trying to think of any fun stories we have from this week. We decided to try something new so we made up some zucchini cookies to take to former and potential investigators. We wanted to attach a note or something to it so, I ended up writing the crappiest poem you have ever heard! Here I will send it to you:

The cookie sat alone
upon the shelf so high,
he sat and watched and wondered
"when will I say good bye."

As one by one the others
began to disappear,
in his heart he felt
the slightest pains of fear.

The baker made me just the same
with milk and eggs and four,
the only difference is
the zucchini in my powder.

The days passed by and soon
the cookie felt despair,
until one day a man came in
"I' ll try that one up there."

I've never had this kind before
it seems a little strange,
but with one bite to his surprise
he felt his feelings change.

Why have I been so blinded?
I could have had much more,
If I simply hadn't minded
the name this cookie bore.

The moral of the story here
it's simply but its true,
don't turn your back to the unkown
because its strange to you.

Hahaha, yes, we did give this poem to a potential investigator. Can you figure out what it has to do with the church? Haha it is awful! Sister Terry keeps trying to make me feel better about it but....yeah.. JaRelle you are not allowed to post that awful thing!! So that was exciting. The cookies were actually good...surprising!
Umm, we did alot of stop-bys and alot of tracting. Things are looking up though! I am excited about this week. I have a good feeling about it!

We taught ALita this week and we asked her to ask in prayer if Joseph Smith was a prophet. She said she wouldn't promise because she doesnt like breaking promises. I asked her why she wouldnt ask, and she said because she needs to study more and decide for herself. That is so stupid! We told her she could ask and find out quickly or she can read and figure out for herself and take forever. Sadly, she opted for forever. I think she already knows her answer. She is afraid to pray because it will confirm it for her and then she will have to do something about it. We introduced her to a lady named Sister Dunford who was also born and raised Baptist. Her stepdad was actually a pastor. She was in her 50s when she joined. I think that she will be able to help out. Here's to hoping!!

The Dunfords also sent us to their son and daughter-in-law who are not members. The daugther-in-law answered the door and we talked to her for a while. She had some good questions. We tried to set a return appointment, but she said they were super busy but if we had something for them to read she would love to read it. Well I thought I had a restoration pamphlet..but I didn't. All I had was a restoration DVD. So we left it with her. She told us to come back and pick it we weasled our way in the door with that DVD and now get to come back! That is good! She made it sound like they are searching for church... perfect timing for us!

Well otherwise I am doing good! I am still loving being a missionary so that is a perk! I can't believe we are already getting close to the end of the transfer. It is insane! Life does go kinda fast as a missionary!
I got a package from Aunt Nell. She is so sweet! I loved it so much and her letter was perfect! I will write her a note, but tell her thanks and give her a big hug from me since I can't really do that. I will write Aunt Gayle today too, but I am going to send it to you mom because I don't have her address!

I am so sad about Sister Simpson. I will pray for her family. I love my family so much! Y'all mean the world to me! I don't know what I would do without any of you! I think I would die. I really do have the best family in the world. I told the ward that yesterday! I tell everyone because it is true! I am a blessed person! I love you, love you, love you mom! You are amazing! Thank you so much for all that you do!

Loves, hugs, and kisses,
Sister Bailey

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